American Hospital Association Nexus: Find My Tribe

Rashida Prattis
May 15, 2020

Not needed for release

Hi Nexus -

We're looking forward to seeing everyone on our Member Wildcard call on Friday @ 3pm ET. (Please RSVP here if you haven't already.)

On our recent calls, Members have shared a bunch about WHAT you're seeing within your own world (ie, COVID triage, tele applications, new patient needs) on Friday, we want to spend some time hearing more about HOW you each see your own world, and how that perspective helps you navigate day-to-day as an exec. (This context will also help us get the most out of our All Member Discussion in June.)

We'll be playing two games on Friday...

Member Perspective Roundup: Defining innovation (for dogs)

  • "Innovation" is tossed around continually, but remains difficult to define without babble. We don't want to adopt babble or academic definitions for the Nexus program, but we do need to set a baseline definition.
  • So we want to hear from you, the actual professionals who are at the wheel, driving innovation in the real world...What does innovation mean to you? No, really....what is "innovation," literally? What is it not? What matters about the difference? How would you explain it to a dog?
  • Every member will get the mic for a min or so to tell us their working definition of innovation & how that applies to their day-to-day work. Then we'll have a free-flowing discussion to reflect on any similarities or differences between how we each define innovation itself.
  • Hint: There *may* be some superlatives check back on the event page for some inspiration & to get your juices flowing for Friday.

"Find My Tribe"

  • As we get to know each other better, we'll get more out of our conversations & have more fun together as a real community of peers. That's easy when face-to-face, but takes some creativity to do virtually.
  • To that end, and back by popular demand, we'll be playing "Find My Tribe" on Friday.
  • Like our mini-debate on "Habits vs Goals," we will be tossing out tough questions & asking you to find your tribe....then Members will have a lighthearted debate before moving to the next...

We'll keep our agenda flexible, but expect our time to break down roughly like this:

  • 5 mins: Arrivals, housekeeping
  • ~25 mins: Perspective Roundup
  • ~25 mins: Find My Tribe
  • 5 mins: Member Wins

Hope you can make it on Friday!

Let us know if you have any questions or want to connect in the meantime.

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